Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Simple Ways You Can Get Your Target Audience To Read Your Content

You create a masterpiece that you think will undoubtedly be the next social media miracle.  

You post it to your website but, alas, you get nothing in return.  You sit pondering where you’ve gone wrong and how you can fix it, but you don’t want to mar what you consider an obvious masterpiece…

Be Concise: Make Your Content User-Friendly

While we may have been taught to compose in paragraph format, beginning in elementary school, writing for an Internet audience is a whole different craft than doing so for your intimidating English teacher.

In order for your content to garner attention, your important points should be addressed immediately; further, they should be easily identifiable as well as clear & concise.  For Internet audiences, there is generally no need for you to fluff up your composition as this more often than not results in lost or dissatisfied consumers.

How You Can Give Your Content The Best Opportunity To Hit The Social Media Circuit

Many online marketers consistently post content because they read and believe that it’s one of the most effective ways to help increase their rankings for certain keywords.  However, while this notion may hold some truth, the most important factor is to ensure that the content posted is actually read, digested, shared and appreciated by those you’re targeting.  

Here are a few tips to help entice your target audience to read and share your content:
  1. Use line breaks: Line breaks enable readers to skim and scan content, to look for points that apply specifically to what they’re seeking.  Shorter paragraphs & shorter sentences will help them to get there faster.
  2. Include sub-heads: Sub-heads can go a long way in regard to directing web users where they want to focus their attention.  If you create catchy, compelling and concise sub-heads throughout your content, then you’ll be effectively demonstrating the organization of your copy and your main messages.
  3. Don’t be afraid of bulleted & numbered lists: Simply put, most people do not have more than a minute or two to spare to read through something.  If your content or even email, for that matter, is only in paragraph format, then it likely won’t get read. The human eye is attracted to lists; they’re easier to scan & digest and they exude importance as they clearly delineate primary points.
  4. Leverage the power of formatting: While your main goal is to easily and effectively convey your message, leverage the use of bolding and italicizing where necessary.  These are additional formatting techniques that you can employ to ensure that the meat & potatoes of your post are highlighted.
  5. Links, links, links: Consider the use of both internal and external links.  Including internal links to relevant pages on your site will further demonstrate your concern for the consumer, while embedding external links to high quality content affords you the opportunity of showing respect to experts in your industry/field.  Additionally, this tactic reveals your own research methods to both consumers & competitors, which can function to increase your own credibility within the industry.

Have you been fortunate enough to receive comments on your postings, shares on Facebook or Tweets?  If so, what have you found to be the most effective tactics in terms of showcasing your content?

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