Friday, July 1, 2011

How Precious is Your Time?

As we’re all aware, the two most important elements regarding successful online marketing campaigns are the incorporation of fresh, original content onto your site on a consistent basis and the concept of acquiring natural and relevant links.  What do the two have in common?  They’re both proven, effective ingredients for search marketing success.  What’s the major difference?  Seeing actual results from traditional link building methods can take a significant amount of time.

Tick, Tock…

Content is quite natural and logical.  After all, people use the Internet for one primary reason: to seek out information.  To become an authority within your niche or industry, you know you need to provide your target audience with what they’re seeking.  Link building, however, can be the elephant in the room for many companies… a practice that is necessary to increasing your credibility and rankings, but that needs to be done strategically so that you don’t compromise your brand or your reputation.  While it’s a vital component to an overall online marketing strategy, it’s not one that can generally be rushed or established overnight. It needs to be cultivated and developed over a significant period of time.

In order to enhance their web presence, many online companies today practice the standard method of link building.  The “age-old” practice first requires companies to actively seek out industry-relevant sites and then to participate in on-going social media exchanges that often end up being one-way conversations.  Commenting on Facebook pages and blogs, contributing to Wikipedia and actively engaging in Twitter, locating potential opportunities and sites with high PageRank – these are all actions that are considered to be necessary when it comes to attempting to naturally acquire a relevant link. Unfortunately, this requires a lot of time and nurturing; time and nurturing that, in the end, may not result in any sort of partnership or link acquisition. 

Now, we all know that there are only 24 hours in a day… and only about 1/3 of those hours are spent working [give or take].  Developing a fluid, rewarding link building strategy can surely be done the traditional way; but, it may take you months or even years to experience any tangible results. If you’re an entrepreneurial-minded individual or business or a company seeking out ways to streamline your marketing efforts, then you likely don’t have time to spare at all, never mind the additional time needed to carry out the tedious and time-consuming tasks associated with traditional link building.

Tick, Tock…

Enter EDOMAINERS (  Our link-building business tactic offers a service that functions to mitigate and alleviate your stresses.  We’ve designed a model that virtually eradicates the process of identifying sites that will field your pitches and most likely ignore your pleas for a chance at a partnership.  We feature an inventory of sites with varying PageRank ratings that are ready to host your contextual links.  By producing quality copy with a backlink containing your primary keyword to your site, it is our goal to help you rank for the terms that you’re targeting.

Why is our method more effective than the more traditional tactics?  It’s both simple and logical. When it comes to directory submissions, you’re competing with thousands upon thousands of online marketers to cram your “original content” into an already saturated space.  Text links are also relatively ineffective.  Your link is typically placed on a page with a multitude of other links, which not only questions the relevance of your site, but also your credibility with Google. 

Google’s algorithm is designed to look for strings of words that are relevant to a site’s overall content.  As such, links embedded within this qualified content on a pertinent site will likely increase your integrity and reliability in the eyes of Google and, ultimately, result in higher search engine rankings over time.

We believe that through a natural approach of combining content with link building, we can save you precious time in executing and developing this facet of your online marketing strategy. 

ECOPYWRITERS and EDOMAINERS serve to provide the online community with the two most important tools of the SEO trade - quality content creation and time efficient link building resources.