Friday, October 28, 2011

Don't just be on Google page 1, own it.

Despite all the challenges and hurdles the eCommerce industry faces today, it’s still very much a booming industry. It also goes without saying that content is an essential component of any successful eCommerce website.  In the case study that follows, we look at a client of ours who sells refurbished medical equipment such as EKG machines, holter monitors, spirometers and more and how they implemented a smart strategy that allowed them to own more real estate on page 1 of Google Organically.  

The client’s website contains 38 unique product categories and within each category, there are approximately 30-40 products listed. The website has been operational for just over five years with the marketing focus on both paid search and SEO.

The Problem:
Given the large number of product categories on the site, achieving page 1 ranking for many of them was a challenge. While the client has been successful at ranking organically on page 1 for his higher search and more profitable keywords, he has also noticed that competition in the medical space has intensified, driving up his marketing cost, and even worse, taking business away!

The client asked us for advice on what options were available to allow him to capture more sales and more market share. We advised the client that he needed to own more real estate on page 1 of Google while continuing to drive rankings on his current site. To achieve this result, we advised the client to select niche product categories from his site, launch them on uniquely branded new sites and then drive these new sites to page 1. This strategy would allow the client to have his current site as well as the new site both showing up on page 1 giving him a greater chance at capturing the search traffic. Theoretically, this sounded like a great idea, but our client told us he didn’t have time nor the resources to make it happen.

The timing could not have been better! We introduced the client to eDevelopers, a sister division to eCopywriters. At eDevelopers, we offer clients access to sophisticated and proprietary website platforms that have been built through over 10 years of SEO trial and error. For this client, we started by selecting a product category from his list that had decent search traffic and was highly profitable – EKG Machines. We then sourced a relevant keyword domain, and deployed the new domain on our SE Commerce Cart. The client provided us with a download of his product list and in less than 24 hours the site was live and loaded with over 100 products. Now the fun part could begin, driving the site to page 1 of Google.

Key Findings:
We registered the domain name on September 9th, 2010. The site achieved page 1 Google rankings on January 22nd, 2011 – just over four months later. As of October 1st 2011, the site commanded a PR of 5. From a conversion optimization perspective, the site has a bounce rate of 20%. On average, the site generates 770 long tail keyword combinations per month and consistently ranks for 18 organic competitive keywords on the first page of all 3 major search engines. Of the search traffic to the site, 88% of it is derived from the three main search engines due to the SEO effort.

As of late October 2011, our client successfully operates two unique properties on the first page of Google, both of which rank highly for both broad and long tail keyword variations of 'EKG machine.' Rather than start the web design project from scratch on his own time which would have cost him even more money, our client opted to lease the SE Commerce Cart from eDevelopers, which included the SEO campaign for a flat monthly fee. This allowed him to not only meet his revenue goals, but exceed them as well without having to incur additional overhead costs to support the new program. The success of this program was so overwhelming for the client, he has now commissioned us to perform the same service across multiple other categories for which he wants to dominate the first page of Google.

The success of the SE Commerce Cart can be attributed to several factors.

  1. Consistent with Google’s mission to serve up the most relevant search results for a given keyword search, is highly regarded per Google for keyword saturation.

  1. eDevelopers’s SE Commerce cart is designed and built on close to an entire decade of SEO expertise with every aspect of SEO conversion taken in to account. Achieving the goal of being on the first page of Google within only three months with a reported PR of 5 is evidence of this.
  2. eCopywriters placed fresh, original and unique content on the site including unique product descriptions. All of these met Google's requirements per the PANDA algorithm update that was introduced in 2011 to Google's search algorithm.  The PANDA algorithm takes user behavior patterns gained through SERPs into account and impacts the ranking of the entire site, as opposed to individual pages.
  3. Utilizing rigorous link building efforts, the eDevelopers team implemented a link building program with eDomainers that served up industry relevant, high PR websites with contextual links – which were helpful in boosting the rankings of in search engines.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Google To Focus On Landing Page Relevancy With Their Latest Algorithm Change

In typical Google fashion, the Internet search engine giant has clandestinely been working on improvements to their algorithm yet again. 

How Will This Impact You?

There are two factors: the copy contained in your AdWords ads and the quality of content on your landing pages. 

In an effort to further enhance the user-experience, Google has revamped their algorithm so that relevant landing pages, by Google standards, with AdWords ads will start to increase in the SERPs (search engine results pages) for lower CPC (cost-per-click) bids.

While Google’s current algorithm is clearly effective, their director of product management, Jonathan Alferness, has stated that they’ve found “that there are ads available in the auction that are as good a quality as the top ads. But the landing pages – the merchant sites, the advertiser landing pages – are of much higher quality than the ads that we see at the top of our auction”  (

Ultimately, the reason for the shift in the algorithm is to enhance the user experience.  The goal is to ensure that the ad created, the keyword(s) targeted and the landing page that the aforementioned factors are directed to result in a relevant solution for the end-user.

What Can You Do?

Although we may not be able to control Google’s algorithm, there are certain elements that we can tweak and modify to ensure that we’re aligned with Google’s ever-updating best practices.  In this case, the copy in your AdWords ads and the landing page(s) that the ad is directing to are factors that you can optimize.

Here are some quick tips for improving your landing page quality:

·         Make sure that your ad copy is concise, clear and effectively targets the primary keyword harbored on the respective landing page.

·         Optimize your landing page for the keyword targeted in your ad.

·         Ensure that the content on your landing page is effectively organized so that your users can easily access and locate what they need.

·         Provide fresh content on your landing page to ensure that it is always as updated and relevant as possible.

·         Create several versions of your landing pages for testing purposes to ensure that you’re presenting the most valuable version to your target audience. Use ECOPYWRITERS’ crowd-sourcing service to receive multiple versions of 1 page in a quick and efficient manner.

 In the end, if your ad copy and landing page content align, then your user retention and conversion rates will likely increase. 

What Does This Mean For You? 

In short, more business, more repeat customers and a better ROI on your ad campaigns.